Safeguarding at CHS
All staff at Coleshill Heath School believe that our school should provide a safe, caring, positive and stimulating environment which promotes the social and moral development of the children.
We take our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of our children very seriously.
If you are concerned about any safeguarding matters regarding the children in our school, please contact.
Miss N Fowles - Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Miss C Budd - Deputy Headteacher (Strategic DSL)
Miss C Moore - Family Support, Wellbeing and Safeguarding Lead (Operational DSL and Child Protection)
Mrs N Catlow - Early Years Safeguarding, Welfare and Inclusion Manager (DSL)
Mr A Russell - Assistant Head Teacher (DSL)
At Coleshill Heath, we take the safety of our children very seriously. We adhere to the national guidelines for safeguarding and all staff are familiar with the 'Keeping children safe in education' document. We also understand the world is changing and that children and staff can be vulnerable to different types of radicalisation. All staff have undertaken Prevent training and the school have implemented a Prevent policy.
Safeguarding Policies